Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (Part 1)

OK, first of all, if you are looking for a literal translation of the graphic novel to are going to probably be disappointed. If you are looking for the spirit of the graphic novel through fresh eyes, made by a fan of the graphic novel...You have come to the right place!

Here we go!

It's been several years since the last sighting of Batman & Gotham City has moved on...down the criminal ladder. While the debate rages on, a new menace has come to Gotham calling themselves, "The Mutants."

The movie opens, much like the graphic novel, with Bruce Wayne in a battle for first place in a Formula 1 style car race...of course, it ends much like the graphic novel...Explosively!

As time goes on, Bruce Wayne begins to realize that Gotham is not better, it's getting worse! Much worse. The new gang decides to declare an open war on Gotham residents and the soon to be retired Commissioner Gordon. As the talk of war becomes real, Bruce Wayne puts on cape and cowl to become Batman. What follows from here on is the story of a man trying to find his place in a world that has moved on and may not need him anymore. However, as the story progresses, Gotham does need their hero and slowly comes to realize how badly.

The introduction of a new Robin is also explored in this first installment. A young teenage girl, inspired by the sight of Batman, puts on a Robin costume to become the dark knights new protege.

Back in the 80's there was controversy about a ?girl? becoming Robin...Well, 20 years later, that's not the case anymore. What may seemed controversial back in the 80's is no longer relevant in the new century.

For those of you reading this, who know the story, I won't say anything more about the storyline except that everything is covered from the graphic novel. There are even some extra scenes in this film that I have no idea where they come from, but add very well to the over all story.

Having said all that, lets take a look at the cast. Andrea Romano has proven, once again, why Warner Bros. keeps her in mind for just about everything! She has put together a cast that is near perfect for the aging heros and the noobs! (LOL) Here is the cast:

Peter Weller - Batman/Bruce Wayne

Ariel Winter - Carrie Kelley/Robin

David Selby - James Gordon
Gary Anthony Williams - Mutant Leader
Wade Williams - Harvey Dent/Two-Face

And of course, lurking in the newly remodeled, Arkaham Asylum, is the Joker
Michael Emerson - The Joker

The film leaves you hanging with what will happen next!! Those of you that remember the original graphic novel will be pleased to know that the director has kept with the story line and no doubt will include all the shocks that follow in the novel.

Somewhere, right now, Bob Kane is smiling at what his creation has become in the world of literature. I hope that Frank Miller is pleased at the adaptation of this epic masterpiece.

See ya soon, everyone!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Watching Indiana Jones Series!!

Ok, so here it goes!

I found out a few months back that Steven Spielbergh was going to release the Indiana Jones series on blu-ray and I was very excited with this awesome idea! After all, he did a blu-ray on Jaws and that turned out great! What I was really hoping for was a commentary by...well, someone! Nope, no commentary in sight. I was kinda disappointed. However, Steven did put a serious treat on the blu-ray set...lotsa film footage from the making of all 4 films!! Yay!!

The restoration looks awesome! The sound is amazing! The tibits from the making of all 4 films was totally awesome! Some things I knew, some things I didn't.

I still believe that all 4 films are great Action/Adventure films! (Yup, even Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.)