As I write this blogg, I am listening to the wonder music of the movie, "Sucker Punch." What a great soundtrack! Forgive me if I go away to la la land.
I have often wonder why so many people complain about the music of today. We have Parental Advisorys on just about everything from CD's to Video Games. I remember a time when these labels did not exsist at all...nothing but the box cover. The rational thinking of the day was simple, "If you can't tell the crap you are buying from the cover of the album, then you don't know." Back then, everyone was making album covers with some of the worst crap you could imagine. Why would you put a dead animal on a cover of a cd? I don't know.
Anyway, our parents and our grandparents fought & rallied for the freedom to express themselves musically to the world. Now, those same people are fighting to put the same restrictions that they had a long time ago. Wow, did we all just forget what music really is? Music is the expression of an individual to say what they mean. Wether you prefer classical all the way to the modern dance/techno of the day. All of this is geared towards on a single thing...expression & entertainment.
Sweet Dream Are Made Of This
Who Am I To Disagree
Travel The World And The Seven Seas
Everybodys Looking For Something
A simple line of music could have multiple meanings to multiple people. I wonder what all the confusion is all about, guess what? We have free thought & we all interpret things differently.
I guess America forgot the one thing we have been fighting for since 1776, the freedom of a people.
Which brings me to the next topic that troubles me. Pornstars. Now, all the guys eyes just got really big...LOL Sorry, no pics on this topic.
What is art? Many people have different perspectives on this topic. Art is...umm...yeah...idk
Porstars have it the worst of all professions. Just about everyone in the world thinks that pornstars are all drug addicts who have sex to get whatever their drug of choice happens to be at the time. Wow! This is a gross miscarriage of interpratation. I, for one, do not condone the life that pornstars follow for the average person. This life must take a very specific person to have a life like this at their disposal. I could never have the nerve to do anything like that at all. If people chose to live that life, then let them have at it! Why would you spend so much time complaining about the people you don't know. Take for instance, did you know that some pornstars are classicly trained musicians? Buisness people? Humanitarians? Activists? Even, celebrities outside their professions? Hmm Nope, most people do not know that at all. Ever more shocking to conservative america, some are even stable people! In my opinion, only God can the soul of a person to see the virtue, so why do humans pursecute based on lifestyle? IDK either.
When did it become necessary for people to offend others based on mistakes of the past? I have no idea why people do this...I think I read somewhere that people who do no wrong are allowed to "cast the first stone." Where did I read that? Oh yeah, the bible! That's right...silly me
There are people who believe that porn is a form of art! Shocking? No, not really. Mankind has always been fasinated with the nude form of the human body. Humans are also very sexual creatures. Face it, porn is here to stay.
In short (to late) I feel that people will live their lives, so let them live their lives!
Oh yeah, speaking of music...I just came across Julia Bonds' songs on
Wow, I love the music she did! It made me laugh alot & then I was stunned silent by the lyrics...Wow!
This gorgeous woman has reinvented herself! Go J.B. Go!!!
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