Saturday, December 24, 2011

The DJ Pony Music Video Contest Has Begun!!!

Yay! Here we go everypony! The DJ Pony music video contest has begun!
A few simple rules:

1. Send the links to all entries to PonyChatLive on Facebook.

2. You must use the whole piece of music. (However, if you come up with something r.d. with only a small portion of the music, that is cool)

3. No single gif or pic throughout the whole video.

4. No nudity

5. You can use live action mixed with animation.

6. You can use any format for the video.

The music will be provided by Ryukc to be downloaded from her Soundcloud account.

Ryukc will decide which videos will go on to be judged. Make those entries really R.D.! There will be only one catagory, Best Video. The winner will recieve a pair of DJ Pony glasses & a Rainbow Dash pony!!!! Oh yeah

Have fun with the videos & good luck to everypony!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pics with a Pony Contest!!!

Ok, everypony! Here we go! Here are the rules for the Pic with Pony contest!!!

1. Join PonyChatLive on google+

2. Post of pic of you & ur fav pony! (Doesn't matter how the pic is made)

3. Submit to PonyChatLive on google+!!!

Best pic wins a Pony!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

When tacos grow up, they wanna be burritos! Aaah yeeaah

Monday, December 19, 2011

New Ponies!!! With Butterfly Wings!!!

So, there we were...wandering around Wal-Mart & bam! There was a set of ponies with butterfly wings! However, there was no price :( We got the Supervisior at Wal-Mart to look it up & the ponies were not suppose to be on sale yet! Oh Noes!!! I answered with, " but...but (pets ponies) I like these ponies" and the Supervisiors' aide grabbed one & said, "I'm going to look it up!" She walked off & came back a few minutes later...BAM!!! We got the set of three.

Footnote, I think the Supervisior removed them from the shelves...til they were suppose to be sold on whatever day.

For the record, the ponies are called...
"Glimmer Wings" Ploomette, Rarity & Rainbow Dash.

A big thanks to the staff at Wal-Mart for selling
them to us!!! You made our night!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Great Pic with a Pony Giveaway!!!

This is an easy one!

Post a pic of you and ur favorite pony on google+!!! Send it too PonyChatLive on google+!!!

Best pic wins a pony!!!!

The Great Mail In Pony Giveaway!!!

Here are the rules!

There will be 3 ponies given away for the mail in contest.

1. "I Love Ponies So Much, I Am Sending You This Letter" must be written on a piece of paper & mailed in to the address given! The 1st Pony will be awarded to the first letter from inside the U.S.

2. The 1st foreign letter will be awarded a pony!

3. The "How I became a Brony" story! The best story on how you became a brony will also win a pony!!!

The address to send all these super RD letters to is:

Icarus Garza
P.O. Box 2143
Sioux Falls, SD 57101-2143

Good Luck Everypony!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Great Pinkie Pie Christmas Ornement Giveaway has begun!!!

Ok, are the rules!

1. You must like PonyChatLive on Facebook!
2. You must get your friends to like PonyChatLive on Facebook!
3. Your friends must use your name as a referral on a message to PonyChatLive!!!

That's all you gotta do!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Surprise PonyChatLive session!!

We had really high numbers on this broadcast, you can hear the surprise in my voice!

Part 1

Part 2

Thanks to all the fans of PonyChatLive for coming on! It was nice to see you all again!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

News Flash from Michigan!

Well, you know how the crime rate is starting to go up in Michigan? It seems that Michigan has become home to many different types of criminals! Including, the not so smart ones.

Last night, a young woman was woken up by the sound of her rooster making alot of noise. Confused, she went downstairs and checked out what was going on. Not seeing anything out of the ordinary, except a noisy rooster, she was about to go back to bed & suddenly realized there was a man two feet away from her back window. A little surprised, she turned off the fan and discovered voices coming from the side of the house. She peered out the window and found that a man had tried to break into Jorges' chicken coupe and got tangled up in the fence! The hard-nosed criminals' homie (in the car) kept yelling at him to get back into the car!

This was the reason why, Jorge the rooster, was making so much noise! He was trying to tell the people in the house, "Hey! There are some people back here!" Of course, humans don't speak chicken.

Well, the next day, the young ladies husband went out to check over the backyard. It should be noted, the house is very well armed for the "zombie apocolypse." During his inspection of the damaged chicken fence, he discovered something kind of odd, the criminal left his wallet! Had his credit cards, driver's license, social security card, college id & about $2 in cash. Wow, this guy is not the smartest criminal! First, he tries to kill a chicken & then, during his attempted murder, he drops his wallet? Wow, I knew the education was bad in America but I thought the criminals were always smart...Guess I was wrong.

FYI, here is a picture of his wallet

Creepy, huh?

Oh well, I hope the local police department catch him.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Music, Pornstars & Julia Bond!

As I write this blogg, I am listening to the wonder music of the movie, "Sucker Punch." What a great soundtrack! Forgive me if I go away to la la land.

I have often wonder why so many people complain about the music of today. We have Parental Advisorys on just about everything from CD's to Video Games. I remember a time when these labels did not exsist at all...nothing but the box cover. The rational thinking of the day was simple, "If you can't tell the crap you are buying from the cover of the album, then you don't know." Back then, everyone was making album covers with some of the worst crap you could imagine. Why would you put a dead animal on a cover of a cd? I don't know.

Anyway, our parents and our grandparents fought & rallied for the freedom to express themselves musically to the world. Now, those same people are fighting to put the same restrictions that they had a long time ago. Wow, did we all just forget what music really is? Music is the expression of an individual to say what they mean. Wether you prefer classical  all the way to the modern dance/techno of the day. All of this is geared towards on a single thing...expression & entertainment.

Sweet Dream Are Made Of This
Who Am I To Disagree
Travel The World And The Seven Seas
Everybodys Looking For Something

A simple line of music could have multiple meanings to multiple people. I wonder what all the confusion is all about, guess what? We have free thought & we all interpret things differently.

I guess America forgot the one thing we have been fighting for since 1776, the freedom of a people.

Which brings me to the next topic that troubles me. Pornstars. Now, all the guys eyes just got really big...LOL Sorry, no pics on this topic.

What is art? Many people have different perspectives on this topic. Art is...umm...yeah...idk

Porstars have it the worst of all professions. Just about everyone in the world thinks that pornstars are all drug addicts who have sex to get whatever their drug of choice happens to be at the time. Wow! This is a gross miscarriage of interpratation. I, for one, do not condone the life that pornstars follow for the average person. This life must take a very specific person to have a life like this at their disposal. I could never have the nerve to do anything like that at all. If people chose to live that life, then let them have at it! Why would you spend so much time complaining about the people you don't know. Take for instance, did you know that some pornstars are classicly trained musicians? Buisness people? Humanitarians? Activists? Even, celebrities outside their professions? Hmm Nope, most people do not know that at all. Ever more shocking to conservative america, some are even stable people! In my opinion, only God can the soul of a person to see the virtue, so why do humans pursecute based on lifestyle? IDK either.

When did it become necessary for people to offend others based on mistakes of the past? I have no idea why people do this...I think I read somewhere that people who do no wrong are allowed to "cast the first stone." Where did I read that? Oh yeah, the bible! That's right...silly me

There are people who believe that porn is a form of art! Shocking? No, not really. Mankind has always been fasinated with the nude form of the human body. Humans are also very sexual creatures. Face it, porn is here to stay.

In short (to late) I feel that people will live their lives, so let them live their lives!

Oh yeah, speaking of music...I just came across Julia Bonds' songs on

Wow, I love the music she did! It made me laugh alot & then I was stunned silent by the lyrics...Wow!
This gorgeous woman has reinvented herself! Go J.B. Go!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Anime, Cosplay & Hot Chicks!

I have to say that Japanese Anime has always impressed me with the storytelling. There is no end to how much you can tell with animation & voice-over actors.

Tonight, I meet an extremely well educated young lady who is very much into anything Japanese. How do I know this? Well, it's simple...that is all she talked about for an hour.

There is nothing wrong with being obsessed with a different culture or society. So long as two rules stay in the back of your head: 1. Always remember where you come from! 2. Always keep an open mind on not only the culture you are obsessed with, but also guard yourself from any misdirection.

This world has become alot smaller. Why? Because of the Internet. Technology that was only dreamed about 40 years ago is now a reality. This is a good thing! So long as mankind gains the wisdom to use the technology to benefit all around the world.

As I sat and listened to her on all that she has learned, I began to realize that I knew nothing at all. It seems, this young lady & I have something in common, we both love the Japanese culture...however, we are foreigners & probably not very well liked in any part of the world. We are, after all, Amercians.

She spoke of Anime, Gaming, and Cosplay...oddly enough, she spoke of all these topics with a serious passion. Does anyone remember when they had a passion for anything? Such a passion is to be applauded & not ridiculed. How can a passion be a bad thing? Well, when it starts to hurt other people.

Her fire & conviction over these topics surprised me...After all, it's not very often you find a hot chick that likes to "Geek Out" on anything even remotely like Japanese Anime. Most women are concerned with their looks & spend alot of time with the bathroom mirror than anything else. There is nothing wrong with women like that, but you have to be a very certain kind of man to accept any type of woman. Can any man go up to any woman & woo her? No. Not all women are attracted to the same things & despite all of the adds, there is no magicial way to "get the chick" to do whatever you want, whenever you want...Just doesn't happen. Scratch that, yes it does happen but only with the type of women you wouldn't take home to anyone! LOL

In the end, I liked her! She has life, a passion for something. I often wonder what makes people so different & at the same time...all the same.

Also, I was shocked to find out that she loved the game...(drum roll) Fatal Frame! OMG! I wonder if she is single? LOL

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tron Legacy, Life & Death

It's been a long time since I have posted anything on my blog...Sorry about that!

I bought Tron: Legacy the other day & I am very impressed with all the extras on the dvd/blu-ray set. I love this movie!

I had to go to my Uncles' funeral recently & I got to see a different side of the family. There were funny things that occured, but the overal tone was different. I'm not talking about the loss of a family member...that is always sad. What I am talking about is how a group of people get together who do not like each other.

The trip to my Uncles' home was an amusing trip. My father & I made the journey together and saw some pretty funny things along the way. We traveled through downtown Chicago & passed through Indiana...OMG! The amount of tollbooths was a little on the ridiculous side. Oh well, just part of paving the roads to a better tomorrow! Lol

When we finally got to the town my uncle lived in, we were in for a surprise. The town was in ruins. Corporations had moved out of this town, which was largely an industial town, and left the gangs to drag it into the ground. The old neighborhoods were on the verge of looking like a war zone & the schools (what was left) are now the territory of gangs & squatters. Drugs, alcohol & poverty were all that was left of the town we remembered.

Even my old Elementary School was left to rot...Of course, it's now a Boys & Girls Club of America. I especially liked the barbed wire around not only around my old Elementary school, but also the vacant lots. This made no sense to me.

One of my other Uncles' mentioned that his house sits on disputed gang territory & they either drop to the floor or hide in the basement whenever they hear gunshots. What a waste of a lovely town.

Such is the way of Urban America. I often wonder why noone does anything until it hits middle America & then it becomes a solve a problem, you have to get to the source. The source is the lack of guidance & proper education.

However, all was not lost in this small town...It seems that someone believes in the area! There are fliers & billboards that have slogans about rebuilding the town & corporate America is moving their stores back into the area. This is a very positive move, but it could be "too little too late."

The funeral was held a couple of days after our arrival. The ceremony was held with honors of the USMC. The event was a sight to see.

In the end, we all left with a single thought..."life takes away from those who do not live properly." This saying is not only a warning but a blessing to those who follow the thought process.

Mother Earth is remminding us, everyday, that we are not needed for her continual existance. Life will remind us how fragile we really are in our lifetimes. We must live & think as if our last day is coming sooner that we expect. Along with that thought, we also should live our be remembered as generous, inside & out.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I wonder why?

The jury is coming
Coming to tear me apart
All this bitching & moaning
Come on! It's on!

I heard "The Hobbitt" is finally underway & I am very happy! Peter Jackson has had to live with alot of disappointment with this film. I don't blame other Director's from quitting the film, delays delays delays!

I read today that Gadhafis' forces have begun to retreat from areas! That's awesome news for Libya! I have been kinda holding my breath about this fight. Col. Gadhafi is a schmuck that needs to be taken out, but the U.S. & some Allied nations are the only ones that can do the job. Sadly, the Allies are all busy with Afganistan & Iraq...Eeeek!

I continue to pray for the people of Japan. Seems, radiation is leaking into the water & has been detected in Toyko. Oh man! Still, it seems that the 'Faceless 50' are begining to succeed at the tasks they volunteered to do. I do wonder who they are...I pray for them.

I am so very happy that Kylie Ventiel of ACOSTA NOVA has her own youtube channel! She texted me a few days ago & I was so excited! No sleep that night. I think she has a beautiful voice, right from heaven. She says that she is going to be spending more time on her singing than other things in her personal life. I certainly hope so, she needs to be taking the world by storm...not secluded by whatever is holding her back.

We can watch the world
Devour in it's hate

I'm listening to my new ipod I have alot of music on it with so many bands & styles.

I often wonder why there is so much hate on my youtube channel? Telling someone that you hope they die from an STD is not cool. Wow, guys! I wish people would just keep there mouths shut. Oh wait here is one message from some redneck that records trucks doing stupid shit. He wonders why people put stupid shit on youtube...He was referring to the DMX poem that I did when bad news hit my life. What an idiot.

Smashing Pumpkins is the bomb! I wonder why I never listened to them when they first came out. Will they ever back together again? I hope so

Uh Oh! The song "Black Betty" just came on! Woo Hoo! Reminds me of an ex that was cool as hell to hang out with in bars.

Anyway, back to the hate mail...Cool! Here is positive one from someone. She says that "Trinity: Fall of the 13th Realm" is one of her favorites. Nice!

Someone asked me what I think about the Gay community in America. Well, simple enough...I don't care, so long as they don't bother me with it. Ha Ha

My little homie, Shania is trying to cheer me up from bad news I got today. She is too funny!

Deep thought of the day: Why do terrible things happen to cool people? Anyone know? Anyone?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hard Life, Transformers, Movies & Friends!

Sometimes life is hard enough without stupid people making it harder! I often wonder why people just don't understand this simple fact. Come on guys! If you don't like someone, why do you attack things you don't know?

I'm sitting here watching "Transformers" and that thought suddenly popped in my head. The Return of Optimus Prime is coming up soon on this DVD set. Yes, I am watching old school Transformers! None of the new stuff really intrests me, except the movies...Loved the movies!

I went to go see "Battle Los Angeles" the other day & was really surprised about what the filmmakers did with such a simple story. To bad so many characters had to die. Well, that's the way war movies go!

I also saw "Red Riding Hood" and was seriously disappointed with everything about the film.
First, this love triangle story seems to be the only story the director can tell. Where did she do her Internship for film school? The set of "The Young & the Restless?" The director of "Red Riding Hood" is also the director of "Twilight."
Second, Gary Oldman does not need a 20 minute character introduction. I think the Director had to eat up time & stuck a bunch of useless shots of Gary Oldmans' character arriving in the town. I love Gary Oldham, probably the best actor of his generation. I wonder why he took this role? Hmm I don't know.
Third, who wrote this script? Wow! It's full of useless cliche lines and useless plot twists that all come around to a love triangle...and an insane father.
There is a couple of positive thoughts to the film. First, it's nice to see the beautiful Virginia Madsen acting in major films again. Second, it's nice to see Lucas Haas back!
This film is useless, but it will probably appeal to a bunch of teenage girls that don't know how badly the film lacks in well...everything.

I have been spending alot of time with a friend of mine, Shania K. What a sweetheart! To bad she is a lesbian...Oh well.

Does Galvatron strike anyone as insane? LOL Even when he was Megatron, he wasn't this crazy.

Did this modification on a phototgraph a few days ago...Kinda looks like a soul trapped. Eerie but cool.